There are three different types of Bio-spark fellows. Explore the different fellowship types and the networking opportunities using the boxes below.

1. Exploring fellows

This type of fellow is interested in exploring the entrepreneurial ecosystem within Pharma, Biotech and Venture Investment. They will take part in all the visits, presentations and networking that every type of fellow will be involved in. Exploring fellows may be at an earlier stage in their career and may wish to return and become challenge-solving or company seeding fellows in future years. Networking events will be organised regularly throughout the period of the Bio-spark programme and will involve the following events.

2. Challenge-solving fellows

These fellows will do virtual internships and participate in a challenge posed by one of our Pharma, Biotech, or Venture Investor partners. These challenges will be performed in groups of 2 or 3. Challenges will last for 6 months, should take 2-3 hours a week, and should be done outside working hours. Mentors from the company partners will guide the process of challenge-solving. The principle behind these challenges is to give the fellows the opportunity to interact with our partner and experience the relevant environment of the company. Company-solving fellows can participate in networking events (below).

3. Company-seeding fellows

Individuals or groups with ideas for the formation of a company will be given mentorship for the development of their ideas. The idea has to be relatively developed and could come from research at the University or from independent sources. If the idea involves more than one person, all contributors should apply to the Bio-spark programme. Company-seeding fellows will own the rights to any ideas developed during the mentorship process (IP Ordinance 14 and 18 apply). Company- seeding fellows will receive mentorship for 6 months. At the end of the programme, there will be a pitch event where fellows may pitch their ideas to investors. One of our partners, Cancer Research Horizons (CRH), has on offer a research grant of £50K, to be awarded to an idea that is relevant to Cancer. The decision of who wins the award rests with CRH. The grant will be given to the research lab associated with the fellow(s), to develop the idea in a therapeutic direction. Company-solving fellows can participate in networking events (below).

Networking Events (open to all fellows)
  • Partner company presentations
  • Meet Venture Capital mentors
  • Meet Biotech mentors
  • Meet Entrepreneur mentors
  • Meet company partners
  • Company Ideas Clinic (open the wider Cambridge community)
  • Biotech matchmaking (open the wider Cambridge community)
  • Entrepreneurship in Cambridge (open the wider Cambridge community)
  • Visits to company partners
  • Pitch workshops
  • Investor Pitch event (open the wider Cambridge community)

Bio-spark Fellowship Pipeline: